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Why Andy Reid got a shoutout during general conference

Andy Reid will be in the NFL spotlight on Monday as his Kansas City Chiefs take on the New Orleans Saints in primetime.
But on Sunday afternoon, the prominent coach received a different type of attention when he got a shoutout during the 194th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles referenced Reid in his talk during the Sunday afternoon session as he shared conversion stories happening across the country and around the world.
Elder Cook described attending a sacrament meeting with Reid at the Manhattan Second Ward in New York and having the chance to connect with new converts.
“It was a spiritual service. There were many new converts in the congregation. Five recently baptized members — four men and one young man — were among the Aaronic Priesthood members passing the sacrament,” Elder Cook said.
Elder Cook and Reid, along with their wives, worshipped together in New York after attending a multifaith event at the Riverside Church.
At the event, Reid had the opportunity to speak about his faith and how it informs his approach to coaching in the NFL.
“Coach Reid emphasized second chances and responding to invitations and opportunities, which is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about,” Elder Cook recalled on Sunday.
Reid also described pushing his players to offer their time to others. Volunteering, like prayer, is a way to unify the team, he said, according to a Deseret News article about the June event.
Reid added that his membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints keeps him grounded during his high-flying NFL career.
“This is a crazy business,” he said at the June event. “I think it’s helped me with my marriage and understanding the importance of my relationship with Tammy. Balance is important. I think that’s the most important thing and helps you keep things in perspective. I think faith helps you do that, it keeps you grounded. You’ve got to have certain things that you believe in and you trust. That’s what faith is, you trust the things that you’ve been taught and the positions in which Heavenly Father has put you.”
During his own remarks in June, Cook praised Reid for all that he’s done for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“One of the things we’re very much aware of is that wherever he’s been, whether it’s Philadelphia, whether it’s Kansas City, he has always, he and his precious wife, Tammy, have always been so hospitable to mission presidents and missionaries and others who are striving to teach people the gospel of Jesus Christ,” Elder Cook said, as the Deseret News reported at the time. “He’s always welcomed that and tried to bless that effort. We’re grateful for that and we are so pleased.”
On Sunday, Cook’s story about Reid helped him transition into a description of exciting developments happening in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He said that the conversions taking place in New York City are one part of a bigger story.
“I’m happy to report that a similar influx of new members is happening throughout the church. We’re grateful for the noticeable increase in those who respond to sacred invitations, change their lives and accept the opportunity to follow Jesus Christ,” Elder Cook said.
